Recess/Lunch Schedule
*Schedules for the 2022-2023 School Year are subject to change.
Pre-K | 10:45-11:10 | 11:15-11:40 |
K | 12:00-12:25 | 12:30-12:55 |
1st | 11:30-11:55 | 12:00-12:25 |
2nd | 11:00-11:25 | 11:30-11:55 |
3rd | 1:30-1:55 | 2:00-2:25 |
4th | 1:00-1:25 | 1:30-1:55 |
5th | 12:30-12:55 | 1:00-1:25 |
Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures
Doors Open at 8:50 Tardy Bell at 9:15
When students are dropped off, they will go straight to their classroom or to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast
If your student is tardy, you will need to park and walk them into the front doors. The kiosk will be located in the front foyer so that you can easily sign them in for the day.
Dismissal Starts at 3:55
All families will be assigned a SchoolSAFEid number and receive a dismissal car tag for their car and a backpack tag for each child. These tags will be used to dismiss all students. If you are picking up your child in the car line, you will need to have your car tag visible so the teacher on duty can see it. You will pull to the farthest open number and your child will be loaded.