Before School: 7:00-8:50 AM
After School: 4:15 – 5:30 PM
Director: Brian Haley
Before and After Care-Eagle's Nest
Before/Aftercare Operational Practices
Thank you for choosing Eagle’s Nest for your childcare needs. Here you will find information regarding our before/after care program including operational hours, pricing, attendance policy, activities, behavior policy, and contact information. It is important to note that even though Eagle’s Nest operates on the premises of Orvis Risner, it is under the authority of the onsite director, Brian Haley (send email to Brian Haley) and Edmond Public Schools Daycare Facilitator, Marci McVay. If questions arise regarding issues occurring during the operational hours of before/aftercare please send email the director or the EPS Daycare Facilitator, Marci McVay.
Signing In/Out
All students have to be signed in upon arrival.
All students have to signed out at the end of the day.
All persons picking up a student have to be on the approved pick up list in the enrollment packet.
Students in the after care program will be offered a light snack and juice/water.
Students will have the following options: Playing with toys, arts and crafts, reading, using their EPS issued devices.
Severe behavior problems will be handled as follows:
1st offense-written warning
2nd offense-written warning
3rd offense-written warning and conference with the director and site principal.
Any further behavior issues will result in dismissal from the program.
Orvis Risner Elementary Eagle’s Nest
The Edmond before/after care programs run in conjunction with the Edmond Public Schools academic calendar. Programs will be closed during all scheduled breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, snow days, etc.)
Tuition is calculated for the scheduled days and times for which your child is enrolled. Refunds and/or reductions will not be made for illnesses, absences, and other activities.
Payment may be made with check, cash, or credit/debit card (online). Nonpayment can result in the loss of your child’s spot in the before/after care program.
Payment records are available at: (view fees due, make credit/debit card payments, print receipts, print tax information) or upon request.
District rates for enrollment:
Tuition Schedule
Late Start Schools: Angie Debo, Centennial, Charles Haskell, Cross Timbers, Frontier, Heritage, John Ross, Orvis Risner, Redbud, Scissortail, Will Rogers
Grades 1-5
# of days | Before Only | After Only | Both |
5 | $78 | $60 | $114 |
4 | $67 | $51 | $99 |
3 | $54 | $41 | $80 |
2 | $42 | $32 | $66 |
1 | $26 | $19 | $39 |
Kindergarten & Pre-K
# of days | Before Only | After Only | Both |
5 | $83 | $66 | $119 |
4 | $71 | $55 | $103 |
3 | $57 | $45 | $83 |
2 | $45 | $34 | $68 |
1 | $27 | $20 | $40 |
*Pre-K Policy: Pre-K students with an older sibling(enrolled in Eagle’s Nest) may enroll and attend immediately. All other Pre-K students may enroll and begin attending on August 19th.
In the event school is closed due to a holiday, snow day, etc., you will not be charged for that day. For example, if your child is enrolled five days and school is only open four days, you will be charged the four-day rate on the payment scale. Any credit due for a cancelled school day (such as a snow day) will be reflected in the following month’s statement.
A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for any child remaining after the Before/After Care program closes for the day at 5:30 pm.
Tuition is calculated on a weekly basis running Monday through Friday. The weekly tuition schedules above show the amounts charged for the three categories: before care only, after care only, and both (before and after care). Your child’s tuition amount is then calculated based on how many days your child is enrolled to attend each week.
Please visit with the before/after care director if you have any questions or need further clarification.
Click Here to Email Orvis Risner Elementary
After Hours Google Number for Eagle‘s Nest